After years of applying various styling products and rounds of harsh treatments like coloring and straightening, not to mention everyday exposure to environmental toxins, your hair is begging for a…
top must-swaps for going non toxic
So, you made a plan to go non toxic in the New Year and you’re already losing steam. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t give up! It’s only the end of…
phas and pumice: the dynamic duo your skin needs
When it comes to exfoliating as part of a regular skin care routine, many wonder, “What’s the difference between a liquid exfoliator and a mechanical exfoliator?” and “Why would one…
is it time for an armpit detox? signs you shouldn’t ignore
Armpit detoxes have become quite trendy over the last several years, with various blogs, magazine articles, and social media posts promoting its many benefits. The reasons for applying purification potions…
nine no-nonsense tips for going non toxic in the new year
On a mission to go non toxic in the New Year? We. Are. Here. For. It! Going non toxic is a simple resolution that’s totally doable. So dive right in,…
how to turn back the clock safely with non toxic skin care and makeup
With age comes wisdom, right? Show off your smarts without showing your age by incorporating a thoughtful non toxic skin care regimen and makeup application tips that can help turn…
why using unscented products might not keep your fragrance allergy from flaring up
Skin sensitivity or allergies can cause uncomfortable symptoms like burning, tingling, itching, tightness, and even pain when a particular substance is applied. Fragrance is a common skin allergen, so many…
why you should think twice about those cookie-scented bath products on store shelves
Who doesn’t love cookies? Not just any cookie, but a Girl Scout cookie? Each year, the famous girl empowerment non profit tempts us with deliciousness, just after we’ve made our…